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edge connector中文是什么意思

用"edge connector"造句"edge connector"怎么读"edge connector" in a sentence


  • 板边插头
  • 卡缘连接器
  • 双边缘连接器
  • 印刷板插头座
  • 印制板插头座
  • 印制板插座


  • Finger ? a gold - plated terminal of a card - edge connector . also see gold finger
    手指:板边插接器的镀金接点。参考“金手指” 。
  • Gold finger ? the gold - plated terminal of a card - edge connector . also see finger
    金手指:板边插接器的镀金接点。参考“手指” 。
  • Microprocessor system bus i , 8 - bit and 16 - bit data - part 2 : mechanical and pin descriptions for the system bus configuration with edge connectors direct
  • Microprocessor system bus - 8 - bit and 16 - bit data multibus i . mechanical and pin descriptions for the system bus configuration , with edge connectors direct
    微处理器系统总线. 8位和16位数据多路总线.第2部分:具有边缘连接器
用"edge connector"造句  
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